7 Tips To Watch Solar Eclipse Safely With Children

Although it is a magnificent phenomenon and very interesting to teach children, it is necessary to take precautions to see a eclipse soalr with children safely, as they are much more sensitive to sunburn and if there is no adequate prevention is Can damage your eyesight.

Danger of seeing a solar eclipse with children without preventive measures

How to watch a solar eclipse with children safely

In Guiainfantil.com we give you the best advice so that your children can appreciate this phenomenon that gives us nature, safely.

1. Beware of improper objects. Do not give children X-rays, burned films, negatives, smoked crystals, or CDs to see the eclipse through them, as they do not protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays.

2. Wear specialized goggles. The use of sunglasses is insufficient, so it is not recommended that the little ones watch the eclipse with them. In this case there are glasses approved or with special filters to enjoy this phenomenon. Check the list that NASA has published for this purpose.

3. Measure the exposure time to the eclipse. Even with proper protection, it is advisable to look at the eclipse alone for a couple of seconds.

4. Make projections. Making a projection on a white wall to look at the eclipse indirectly is a very good choice. This can be achieved through a telescope or binoculars, but watch out! Do not forget that it is indirectly, you should never look directly through these optical devices.

5. Look at the shadows of the leaves of the trees. The gaps that remain between the leaves of the trees work with a lens and through them the image of the eclipsed sun is projected. A different and original way of appreciating this phenomenon.

6. You must be aware of the children during the whole eclipse and if they should have any discomfort it is necessary to go immediately with the ophthalmologist.


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