6 Benefits of Salajit for Men

Salajit is an organic tar like substance found on mountains. Ayurvedic doctors began using it hundreds of years ago for its potent health-supportive properties.

The plant contains over 80 minerals that support the body, and many have an incredible effect on a man’s health.

1. Supports Fertility

Research shows that taking salajit for 90 days twice a day can boost the sperm production by 60%

and its activity by 12%.

2. Promotes Testosterone Levels Naturally

Salajit can boost testosterone levels necessary for men's to protect muscle tissue, keep out un-necessary fat and to maintain a better mood and thinking.

3. Enhances Performance

Tradition holds men who take shilajit have more energy and feel generally better. It could be the mountain air, or it could be the nutrient density of shilajit. Researchers have determined shilajit acts at the cellular level to improve energy production at its source, the mitochondria.When your cells are nourished like this, you feel like more awake, your recover faster, and you have what it takes to go that extra mile.

4. Protects the Heart

A recent study using animal models tested how well shilajit protects the heart. The animals who received the herb showed less cardiovascular damage, with researchers concluding the effect must come from more than simply its antioxidant activity.

5. Supports Memory

Increased testosterone levels play an important role in how well you think. But researchers have identified a special effect created by small molecules called dibezno-alpha-pyrones. These molecules prevent the breakdown of the brain chemicals needed for memory. Other studies report the fulvic acid in shilajit supports normal brain health.

6. Encourages Healthy Aging

Studies report shilajit’s antioxidant activity protects against cellular damage, and it’s this cellular damage that speeds the aging process in your heart, lungs, liver, and skin. The fulvic acid in shilajit delivers antioxidants and minerals directly to cells where they’re needed. This keeps them safe from free radical damage and accelerated aging.


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